Equipment and Technologies

Researchers from IMG and external organisations can use the equipment of our research services and large national research infrastructures to conduct their research in cooperation.

To find the contact for the relevant facility, click on the link by the particular equipment.

Imaging Technologies

Light microscopy – advanced light and fluorescence microscopes with, among others, quantitative phase imaging (QPI), laser scanning (LSCM), stimulated emission depletion (STED), localization microscopy (STORM) or fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching (FRAP).

Electron microscopytransmission electron microscopes (JOEL).

The Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure also offers advanced image analysis, consulting and specialized training.


Nucleic acid processing and sequencing – equipment for DNA and RNA sample sequencing (Illumina NextSeq 500 and Oxford Nanopore Minion Mk1b sequencers), for genomic library preparation and transcriptome sequencing (10x Genomics Chromium Controller and Bio-Rad ddSEQ) and for detection of genes and mutations of interest (Illumina BeadStation 500 microarray platform and PerkinElmer EnVision Plate Reader).

Protein processing and sequencing – equipment for proteolysis, peptide separation (UHPLC Ultimate 3000 liquid chromatograph) and proteomic analysis (Orbitrap Exploris 480 spectrometer).

Cell Characterisation and Sorting

Cytometrylaser flow cytometry equipment (BD FACSymphony Flow Cytometer, Luminex Amnis ImageStream X Mk II), cell sorters (BD Influx Cell Sorter, BD Biosciences FACSAria IIu and Miltenyi Biotec autoMACS Pro Separator) and advanced image analysis software (FlowJo).

High-Throughput Screening

Identification and development of novel molecular probes and therapeutic compounds and biochemical profiling – systems for High-Throughput Screening, High-Content Screening and Compound Management (including quality control).

The CZ-OPENSCREEN research infrastructure operates an international compound libraryProbes & Drugs.


Equipment for measuring immunological and biochemical parameters, and cardiovascular, visual, auditory, pulmonary and neurological functions of laboratory animals.

Instruments for advanced visualization of embryos and tissues, metabolic, metabolomic and histopatological studies, equipment for bioinformatic evaluation of the acquired data.

The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics also offers preparation of new mutant linesmodels of cancer and infectious diseases.

Leica CM1950 cryostat

Preparation of Histological Samples

Complete equipment for the processing of tissue specimens allows automated tissue processing (Leica HistoCore PEGASUS Plus tissue processor), formation of paraffin blocks (Leica HistoCore Arcadia H paraffin embedding station) and their sectioning (Leica RM2255 rotary microtome), deparaffinization, staining and antigen retrieval.

Equipment for preparation of frozen sections (Leica CM1950 cryostat) and seminative sections (Leica VT1200 S vibratome).


Irradiation of Cells and Biological Models

Irradiation device for the irradiation and mutagenesis of cell cultures and small biological models (mice) with radiation dose control (X-RAD 225XL).