Grant Projects

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
Recombinant Technologies for Medicine Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 2023-2027 P. Hozák Go to website
The source of neurological pathology in PNKP-mutated disease Czech Science Foundation 2023-2025 G. Pizarro Madureira Salgado De Oliveira Go to website
Improving therapy for childhood leukemia of ambiguous lineage Ministry of Health 2023-2026 I. Vonková Go to website
INFRAPLUS - Enhancing and Evolving INFRAFRONTIER Disease Modelling Capacity to Enable Breakthrough Research Horizon Europe 2023-2026 R. Sedláček Go to website
Applying the bioarchaeological analyzes to reconstruct origins and mobility of human populations in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Central Europe Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 E. Ehler
Mapping of fibroblast dynamics during mammary gland development Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2024-2025 Z. Sumbalová Koledová Go to website
Cell-autonomous and cell non-autonomous mechanisms of lens induction Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 Z. Kozmik Go to website
Does convergent evolution of molecular phenotypes shape inflammatory immune responses in birds? Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 D. Filipp Go to website
Functional relations between primary cilium, intraciliary actin and Wnt signaling during hematopoiesis Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 M. Huranová Go to website
Genetic sources of antiviral resistance in the domestic chicken Ministry of Agriculture 2024-2028 J. Hejnar Go to website
IMProving User experience, Long-term sustainability and Services of EU-OPENSCREEN Horizon Europe 2024-2026 P. Bartůněk
Virophage DNA integration in vitro and in vivo Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 A. Koslová Go to website
Genome interactions in the interspecies hybrid taxa Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 J. Pačes Go to website
Reprogramming the fate of hematopoietic cells in cyprinid fish Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 P. Bartůněk Go to website
Regulatory roles of LAIR-1 (Leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor 1) in mast cell physiology and mastocytosis Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 Pe. Dráber Go to website
Deciphering the role of fibroblast mechanical forces in epithelial morphogenesis Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2024-2027 Z. Sumbalová Koledová Go to website
SpeciAI - Proven methodology using new approaches in x-ray imaging of soft tissues in connection with automated diagnostics Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 2024-2026 F. Špoutil Go to website
Exploring emergency granulopoiesis under sterile chronic inflammation Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 M. Alberich Jordà Go to website
Role of DNA damage response in suppressing malignant progression in preleukemia conditions of some myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic neoplasms Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 L. Láníková Go to website
Role of protein phosphatases in telomere maintenance and ribosomal biogenesis Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 L. Macůrek Go to website