Grant name | Provider | Duration | Investigator | Web |
Recombinant Technologies for Medicine | Technology Agency of the Czech Republic | 2023-2027 | P. Hozák | Go to website |
The source of neurological pathology in PNKP-mutated disease | Czech Science Foundation | 2023-2025 | G. Pizarro Madureira Salgado De Oliveira | Go to website |
Improving therapy for childhood leukemia of ambiguous lineage | Ministry of Health | 2023-2026 | I. Vonková | Go to website |
INFRAPLUS - Enhancing and Evolving INFRAFRONTIER Disease Modelling Capacity to Enable Breakthrough Research | Horizon Europe | 2023-2026 | R. Sedláček | Go to website |
Applying the bioarchaeological analyzes to reconstruct origins and mobility of human populations in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Central Europe | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | E. Ehler | |
Mapping of fibroblast dynamics during mammary gland development | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports | 2024-2025 | Z. Sumbalová Koledová | Go to website |
Cell-autonomous and cell non-autonomous mechanisms of lens induction | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | Z. Kozmik | Go to website |
Does convergent evolution of molecular phenotypes shape inflammatory immune responses in birds? | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | D. Filipp | Go to website |
Functional relations between primary cilium, intraciliary actin and Wnt signaling during hematopoiesis | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | M. Huranová | Go to website |
Genetic sources of antiviral resistance in the domestic chicken | Ministry of Agriculture | 2024-2028 | J. Hejnar | Go to website |
IMProving User experience, Long-term sustainability and Services of EU-OPENSCREEN | Horizon Europe | 2024-2026 | P. Bartůněk | |
Virophage DNA integration in vitro and in vivo | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | A. Koslová | Go to website |
Genome interactions in the interspecies hybrid taxa | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | J. Pačes | Go to website |
Reprogramming the fate of hematopoietic cells in cyprinid fish | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | P. Bartůněk | Go to website |
Regulatory roles of LAIR-1 (Leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor 1) in mast cell physiology and mastocytosis | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | Pe. Dráber | Go to website |
Deciphering the role of fibroblast mechanical forces in epithelial morphogenesis | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports | 2024-2027 | Z. Sumbalová Koledová | Go to website |
SpeciAI - Proven methodology using new approaches in x-ray imaging of soft tissues in connection with automated diagnostics | Technology Agency of the Czech Republic | 2024-2026 | F. Špoutil | Go to website |
Exploring emergency granulopoiesis under sterile chronic inflammation | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | M. Alberich Jordà | Go to website |
Role of DNA damage response in suppressing malignant progression in preleukemia conditions of some myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic neoplasms | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | L. Láníková | Go to website |
Role of protein phosphatases in telomere maintenance and ribosomal biogenesis | Czech Science Foundation | 2024-2026 | L. Macůrek | Go to website |