Laboratory of Genome Integrity


Current Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
Alzheimer´s disease and aging: can mTOR inhibitors kill two birds with one drug? Czech Science Foundation 2023-2025 Z. Hodný Go to website
Exploring the role of PML nucleolar compartment in rDNA maintenance in normal and cancer cells Czech Science Foundation 2023-2025 J. Bártek Go to website
Development of brain organoid models to study the role of cellular senescence in the pathogenesis of glioblastoma Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 Z. Hodný Go to website
Senescence of neurons in mutated mTOR-related focal cortical dysplasia - from the cell mechanisms to targeted treatment Ministry of Health 2024-2027 Z. Hodný Go to website
Advancing Cancer Treatment: Discovery and Targeting of New Anticancer Compounds Ministry of Health 2025-2028 Z. Hodný

Past Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
Protein modifications in DNA damage signalling: Mechanisms and cancer relevance Czech Science Foundation 2008-2010 J. Bartek Go to website
The role of the JAK/STATsignalling pathway in cellular senescence Czech Science Foundation 2008-2012 Z. Hodný Go to website
Systems-level, multi-layer understanding of cellular responses to ionizing radiation Seventh Framework Programme EU 2009-2011 J. Bártek Go to website
Role of RECQ5 DNA helicase in maintenance of genomic stability Czech Science Foundation 2009-2013 P. Janščák Go to website
Mechanisms of DNA damage checkpoint termination Czech Science Foundation 2010-2012 J. Bartek Go to website
Role of Wip1 phosphatase in the DNA damage response Czech Science Foundation 2010-2012 L. Macůrek Go to website
Role of the Rothmund-Thomson syndrome gene product in maintenance of genomic stability Czech Science Foundation 2010-2014 P. Janščák Go to website
Post-translational modifications of Daxx and their functional relevance in DNA damage response and cellular senescence Czech Science Foundation 2011-2013 H. Hanzlíková Go to website
Mechanisms of radioresistance of prostate cancer cells Czech Science Foundation 2013-2016 Z. Hodný Go to website
Premature cellular senescence: Mechanisms and links with cancer Czech Science Foundation 2013-2016 J. Bártek Go to website
The role of 5-azacytidine on immunoepigenetics and genotoxic stress in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome. Ministry of Health 2013-2015 J. Bártek Go to website
Role of cellular senescence in carcinogenesis and tumour resistance Czech Academy of Sciences 2013-2015 S. Hubáčková
Identification of protein complexes associated with genotoxic RNA:DNA hybrids and their role in maintenance of genomic stability Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2014-2016 J. Dobrovolná Go to website
Molecular mechanism of genomic instability caused by oncogene activation Czech Science Foundation 2014-2016 P. Janščák Go to website
Study of molecular mechanisms suppressing genomic instability associated with transcription and replication stress Czech Academy of Sciences 2014-2015 J. Dobrovolná
Role of oxidative stress in the interplay between cellular senescence and apoptosis Czech Science Foundation 2015-2017 Z. Hodný Go to website
WIP1 phosphatase function in the cell response to DNA damage Czech Academy of Sciences 2016-2017 K. Burdová
Plasmonic nanoparticles for theranostics with tunable optothermal properties Czech Science Foundation 2016-2018 J. Bartek Go to website
Mechanisms of IFNgama-induced cellular senescence and phenotypic plasticity Czech Science Foundation 2017-2019 Z. Hodný Go to website
Ribosomal stress: mechanisms and relevance to cancer Czech Science Foundation 2017-2019 J. Bártek Go to website
Study of molecular mechanisms involved in suppression of transcription-associated genomic instability Czech Science Foundation 2017-2019 P. Janščák Go to website
Modernization and support of research activities of the national infrastructure for biological and medical imaging Czech-BioImaging Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2017-2020 P. Hozák Go to website
Inhibition of JAK/STAT3 signalling pathway in cancer therapy Czech Science Foundation 2018-2020 Z. Hodný Go to website
Identification and functional analysis of proteins participating in restart of DNA replication forks after collisions with transcriptional complexes Czech Academy of Sciences 2019-2020 M. Andrš
Ribosomal stress, rDNA stability and cellular senescence: role of PML Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 J. Bártek Go to website
Exploring mechanisms of DNA replication restart upon collisions between transcription and replication complexes Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 P. Janščák Go to website
Application of tumor tropism of stem cells for photothermal therapy of glioblastoma with gold nanorods - preclinical study. Ministry of Health 2019-2022 J. Bártek Go to website
RECQ5 helicase function in DNA replication reactivation after collision between transcriptional and replication complexes Czech Academy of Sciences 2020-2021 Z. Hašanová
New approaches to overcome therapeutic resistance of glioblastoma multiforme: Focus on cellular senescence and cerebral organoid model Czech Science Foundation 2020-2022 Z. Hodný Go to website
The therapeutic potential of novel mTOR inhibitors within the process of ageing Czech Science Foundation 2020-2022 Z. Hodný Go to website
Anti-viral treatment strategy repurposing for glioblastoma: Clinical evaluation and biomarker studies Ministry of Health 2021-2024 J. Bártek Go to website
New approaches to overcome therapeutic resistance of glioblastoma multiforme: Focus on cellular senescence and cerebral organoid model Czech Academy of Sciences 2021-2022 J. Novák

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