Ionizing Radiation Sources Handling Core Facility

Vadym Sulimenko

Facility leader

Vadym Sulimenko, Ph.D.
LocationIMG – building F, room 3.13
Phone: +420 296 442 640

The facility has provided services already for two decades to support various needs of all users of ionizing radiation sources at the Institute. Members of research groups at IMG routinely use two very different types of ionizing radiation sources, demanding various methodological and instrumentation background provided by the facility:

  • unsealed radionuclide sources, mainly in the form of radioactively labelled organic compounds, for biochemical and pharmacological studies of metabolism;
  • X-ray generators in the form of compact cabinet biological irradiators, for regulated X-ray irradiation of small laboratory animals (mice) and samples of cultured cells.

For users performing routinely regulated X-ray irradiation of samples of biological materials, the core facility is equipped with very comfortable, compact cabinet X-RAD 225 XL Biological Irradiator.

Trained personnel – users qualified by the facility leader may use this instrument themselves (after the previous reservation in the Calpendo booking system) and without time limitations, under the specified conditions (see document Rules and Pricelist).

For the Director of the Institute, the facility acts as a link between the Institute and The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB), which demands permanent, annual updating of documentation regarding the conditions and working places within the Institute (in compliance with the Atomic Act no. 263/2016 Coll.).



HeadVadym Sulimenko, Ph.D.
Deputy HeadAssoc. Prof. Stanislav Pavelka, Ph.D.



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