Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity


Current Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
ActSwiftly - Activation and switch of fates in T lymphocytes Horizon Europe 2025-2029 O. Štěpánek

Past Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
T cell calculus: how T cells measure and interpret antigenic signals in health and disease ​Swiss National Science Foundation 2016-2021 O. Štěpánek
Antigenic signaling and fate decisions in T cells European Molecular Biology Organization 2016-2020 O. Štěpánek
Antigenic signalling and fate decisions in T cells European Molecular Biology Organization 2016-2018 O. Štěpánek
T cell receptor signaling and fate decisions made by peripheral T cells in homeostasis and during inflammation Czech Science Foundation 2016-2018 O. Štěpánek Go to website
Elucidation of molecular mechanisms guiding assembly and function of IL-17-receptor signaling complex Czech Science Foundation 2017-2019 P. Dráber Go to website
BBSome and actin interplay in ciliogenesis and formation of the immunological synapse Czech Science Foundation 2017-2019 M. Huranová Go to website
Naive, memory, and virtual memory T cells in adaptive immune responses Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 O. Štěpánek Go to website
Functional Diversity of T Cells EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2019-2023 O. Štěpánek Go to website
Elucidation of the role of CMTM4 in IL-17 signaling Czech Science Foundation 2020-2022 P. Dráber
Dysregulation of signaling pathways in TNF-mediated autoimmunity Czech Science Foundation 2021-2023 O. Štěpánek Go to website
Interplay between the regulations of cell cycle and ciliogenesis Czech Science Foundation 2021-2024 M. Huranová Go to website
How does gluten-free diet prevent type 1 diabetes? Czech Science Foundation 2022-2024 O. Štěpánek Go to website
Molecular mechanisms of T-cell memory Czech Science Foundation 2022-2024 O. Štěpánek Go to website
KILR+ T cells in tumors Czech Academy of Sciences 2022-2023 O. Tsyklauri