Postdoctoral Fellow, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
PhD, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
ERC Starting Grant
Fellowship J. E. Purkyně
EMBO Installation Grant
Origin and function of antigen-inexperienced memory-like T cells
We have discovered that antigen-inexperienced memory-like T cells are formed from relatively highly self-reactive T cells under various hygienic conditions, including germ-free and wild mice. Our results suggest that this process is a mechanism of self-tolerance. [pubmed] [doi]
Investigation of T-cell diversity using single cell transcriptomics
We have established a pipeline for the analysis of T-cell diversity using single cell transcriptomics that cosiderably accelerates research in our laboratory.
Correlation between immune symptoms and Bardet-Biedl syndrome
We have discovered a link between ciliopathy in Bardet-Biedl syndrome and defects in the immune system. We continue to focus on the link between cilia and immunity. [pubmed] [doi]