Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics


Current Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
Understanding the impact of endogenous viruses on host biology - a combined computational and experimental strategy Czech Science Foundation 2022-2025 J. Pačes Go to website
Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data (ELIXIR)<br type="_moz" /> Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2023-2026 J. Pačes Go to website
Genome dynamics and maintenance in simple and homogeneous natural prokaryotic communities Czech Science Foundation 2023-2025 J. Rídl Go to website
Prognostic value of epidermal growth factor receptor signalling in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Ministry of Health 2023-2026 M. Kolář Go to website
Applying the bioarchaeological analyzes to reconstruct origins and mobility of human populations in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Central Europe Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 E. Ehler
Genome interactions in the interspecies hybrid taxa Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 J. Pačes Go to website
Microscopic fungi - new threats and opportunities for humanity Czech Academy of Sciences 2024-2028 M. Kolář
Applying the bioarchaeological analyzes to reconstruct origins and mobility of human populations in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Central Europe Czech Science Foundation 2024-2026 E. Ehler Go to website
The fate of immortality: Understanding the mechanisms of germline-soma distinction in birds Czech Science Foundation 2025-2027 J. Pačes

Past Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
Center for Applied Genomics Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2005-2011 V. Pačes Go to website
Novel genomic and biotechlological approaches in molecular oncology: a way to the early diagnostics and targeted therapy Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2006-2011 Č. Vlček Go to website
Metagenomics and bioinformatics as outcome for preparation of effective approaches, preparation and characterisation of microorganisms and their consorcia tailored for bioremediation purposes. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2008-2011 J. Pačes Go to website
Functional analysis of endogenous retroviral elements in human genome: possible association with cancers Czech Science Foundation 2010-2012 J. Pačes Go to website
Diversity and evolution of anaerobic Heterolobosea Czech Science Foundation 2011-2014 Č. Vlček Go to website
Evolution of parasitism:analysis of genomes and key physiological functions of free-living Mastigamoeba balamuthi and pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica Czech Science Foundation 2011-2015 J. Pačes Go to website
Establishment of the secondary plastid in euglenids Czech Science Foundation 2011-2015 Č. Vlček Go to website
Intercellular interactions in malignant melanoma - experimental study Czech Science Foundation 2012-2015 H. Strnad Go to website
Genome sequencing of oxymonad and Trimastix Czech Science Foundation 2012-2014 V. Pačes Go to website
Genomic analysis of tumor-associated fibroblasts in head and neck carcinoma: The basis for new generation of biologic anti-tumor therapy Ministry of Health 2012-2015 H. Strnad Go to website
Studies of anticancer effects of statins Ministry of Health 2012-2015 H. Strnad Go to website
Bridging microbial community ecology and degradation of xenobiotics – the use of metagenomics to investigate microbial degradation potential Czech Science Foundation 2013-2017 M. Kolář Go to website
Cellular and molecular characteristics of neonatal human skin: consequences for skin healing Czech Science Foundation 2013-2016 H. Strnad Go to website
Unravelling the early evolution of the eukaryotic cell through exploring the genomes of the eukaryotic superphylum Discoba Czech Science Foundation 2013-2016 Č. Vlček Go to website
A genomic approach to unravelling the biology and evolution of eustigmatophyte algae Czech Science Foundation 2013-2015 V. Pačes Go to website
Representation of the Czech scientific community in FEBS, IUBMB, EMBC, EMBO, ESBRA and other relevant organizations Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2014-2016 V. Pačes Go to website
Center of competence for molecular diagnostics and personalized medicine Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 2014-2019 V. Pačes, Č. Vlček Go to website
Tumor microenvironment of head and neck carcinoma: Prognostic significance of extracellular matrix produced by tumor-associated fibroblasts Ministry of Health 2015-2018 M. Kolář Go to website
ERK pathway activation as a prognostic tool and a prospective therapeutic target in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma Ministry of Health 2016-2019 V. Pačes Go to website
Microenvironment of malignant melanoma as a factor of tumor aggressiveness Czech Science Foundation 2016-2018 H. Strnad Go to website
Česká národní infrastruktura pro biologická data Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2016-2019 J. Pačes Go to website
Zajištění reprezentace české vědecké komunity ve FEBS, IUBMB, EMBC, EMBO, ESBRA a organizacích odborně příslušných Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2017-2019 V. Pačes Go to website
Center for Tumor Ecology - Research of the cancer microenvironment supporting cancer growth and spread Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2018-2023 M. Kolář Go to website
Role of exosomes in information transfer between cancer-associated fibroblasts and cancer cell, with emphasis on malignant melanoma Czech Science Foundation 2019-2021 M. Kolář Go to website
Germline restricted chromosome in songbirds: understanding its origin, function and evolutionary significance Czech Science Foundation 2020-2023 J. Pačes Go to website
Czech national infrastructure for biological data (ELIXIR-CZ) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2020-2022 J. Pačes Go to website
Ancient DNA study of Bronze and Iron Age human populations from central Europe Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2020-2022 E. Ehler Go to website
Asexuality as bridge towards polyploidy: evolution of genome and genotype-by-environment interactions under clonality Czech Science Foundation 2021-2023 J. Pačes Go to website
Enhancing Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and/or Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) national infrastructures and capacities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 2021-2022 M. Kolář Go to website

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