Laboratory of Haematooncology


Current Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
Grant name Decoding unique metabolic dispositions of malignant clones responsible for adverse prognosis in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: cancer metabolism as a new therapeutic target in leukemias Provider Ministry of Health Duration 2022-2025 Investigator M. Alberich Jordà Web Go to website
Grant name Exploring emergency granulopoiesis under sterile chronic inflammation Provider Czech Science Foundation Duration 2024-2026 Investigator M. Alberich Jordà Web Go to website
Grant name Dissecting the role of bone marrow microenvironment behind chemoresistance development in acute lymphoblastic leukemia Provider Ministry of Health Duration 2024-2027 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name Deciphering transcriptional regulation and metabolic adaptations during emergency granulopoiesis in hematopoietic stem cells Provider Czech Science Foundation Duration 2025-2027 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web

Past Grants

Grant name Provider Duration Investigator Web
Grant name C/EBPgamma in normal hematopoiesis and acute myeloid leukemia: identification of molecular mechanisms involved in cell transformation Provider Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Duration 2013-2015 Investigator M. Alberich-Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name Function of the transmembrane protein Evi2b in hematopoiesis Provider Czech Science Foundation Duration 2015-2017 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name Mechanisms regulating normal and leukemic hematopoietic stem cells: Deciphering the role of the beta-catenin/Tcf signaling pathway Provider Czech Science Foundation Duration 2017-2019 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name The transcription factor C/EBPg as a novel regulator in mast cell development and function Provider Czech Science Foundation Duration 2018-2020 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name Role of leukemia cell metabolism in disease manifestation, progression and therapy response Provider Ministry of Health Duration 2018-2021 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name Effects of chronic inflammation on hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia development Provider Czech Science Foundation Duration 2020-2022 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name Molecular basis of human enhanceropathies Provider EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Duration 2020-2024 Investigator M. Alberich Jorda Web Go to website
Grant name Evaluation of ALDH1A inhibitors as a potential drugs in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia by using patient-derived xenografts Provider Czech Academy of Sciences Duration 2021-2023 Investigator MK. Adamcová Web
Grant name Emergency granulopoiesis at the level of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells: The role of population dynamics and Wnt/-catenin signaling Provider Czech Science Foundation Duration 2022-2024 Investigator M. Alberich Jordà Web Go to website

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