Location | IMG – building F, ground floor, 1st floor, rooms: 0.158, 0.160, 0.162, 0.163, 0.169, 0.170, 0.171, 0.172, 0.173, 0.174, 0.175 |
Contact | Phone: +420 29644 3168, Mobile: +420 773 979 818 |
Light Microscopy Core Facility of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (LMCF IMG) is a state-of-the-art research facility equipped with a wide range of high-end microscopy technologies and image processing tools. LMCF IMG is located in the main building of IMG within the biomedical campus of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague Krč. Most of the facility instrumentation is available to trained users on self-service basis. Access to the facility is open to both in-house and external users and is supported by the “Czech-BioImaging open access” program.
The facility provides access to a broad spectrum of microscopy technologies ranging from basic widefield fluorescence microscopes and confocal microscopes to advanced techniques such as light-sheet microscopy, confocal spinning disc and super-resolution methods including SMLM, SIM and STED. We also provide tools and expertise in image processing and analysis, including chromatic aberration correction, routine deconvolution, tracking, image segmentation, analysis of photo-kinetic experiments, mathematical modeling, and simulations of biological processes, etc. We place a strong emphasis on user trainings, starting with introductory courses for beginners and progressing to specialized training sessions for more experienced microscopists. Additionally, our team organizes intensive advanced courses on light microscopy techniques and image processing and analysis. We also offer personal consultations on experiment and project planning, sample preparation, instrument usage and imaging optimization.
LMCF IMG is part of Czech-Bioimaging national infrastructure for biological and medical imaging. Together with the imaging facilities at the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Charles University in Prague (BIOCEV), Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, we form the Prague node of EuroBioImaging, which has been part of the pan-European imaging infrastructure EuroBioImaging since 2020. To find the required imaging technology and access any facility within this pan-European network, please use our technology finder.
If you have any questions regarding the services provided by the core facility, please contact use directly or through the Czech-BioImaging or EuroBioImaging portals.