Facts and Figures

At the Institute of Molecular Genetics we study – in the scope of dozens of grant projects – the phenomena in the field of molecular biology and biomedicine. Every year, our researchers publish hundreds of scientific articles in prestigious international journals.

All this is possible thanks to our partners. We collaborate with dozens of research institutions from all over the world, and many companies use our research results through commercial licenses.

More detailed statistics as of 31 December 2024 can be found below:

Total number552
Calculated number476
PhD students94
In scientific groups260
In service units237
Administrative staff55
Age structure of the university-educated employees in research groups (FTE)
up to 30 years27,5245,0976,61
31-40 years40,8549,8590,70
41-50 years26,2627,9054,16
51-60 years17,4713,9031,37
above 60 years15,216,4721,68
in total127,31143,21270,52
Number of lecture hours at the university in 2022
683 (319 summer term, 364 winter term)
The structure of financial resources in 2022 (in thousands CZK)
Institutional support of the Czech Academy of Sciences57 95536 481262 487
Earmarked funds (grants, etc.) CZ00336 118
Other grants (incl. foreign)559 831
Revenues from research and development0041 716
The average monthly salary (for 2021) in CZK45 169
Membership of IMG in legal entities
Legal entityIdentification Number
Technology Centre Prague60456540

The total floor area12 500 m2
The laboratory area4 500 m2

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