Administrative and Technical Services

Building Maintenance

Jana Boučková


Jana Boučková

The Building Management is responsible for the operation of 7 buildings on the Krč campus: the main office and laboratory building, 3 animal facility buildings, the conference hall, the guesthouse, the kindergarten and the sports facility (total floor area 17,500 m2).

In these buildings, we provide – with the help of external companies – the operation and servicing of technologies, cleaning, repairs and modifications of the premises as well as their renovation. We also take care of the maintenance of the outdoor areas around IMG (area of 8,100 m2), including two ornamental ponds with seating.

Services of our people:

  • for the international students and interns – arranging the accommodation in guesthouses on the Krč campus and handling the administration related to their stay in the Czech Republic,
  • monitoring of freezing and refrigerating equipment in the buildings,
  • record keeping and management of land and mobile phone lines,
  • administration of the key system,
  • technical support for scientific seminars and conferences.

We are also responsible for occupational health and safety (OHS) and fire protection (FP) trainings and car fleet maintenance.

People in the Building Maintenance

Head Jana Boučková
Deputy Head Michal Švestka
Administrative worker Veronika Novotná, DiS.
Technical worker Miloš Jirout, M.Sc.
Maintenance Roman Řezník
Technician Roman Dočekal
