Awards and Memberships

Awards for the Institute Employees


Veronika HorkováJaroslav Šterzl Award
Veronika HorkováAward for the best publication with a cytometric theme for 2023 in the basic research category (Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry)
Jan HolýAward for the best student project in the category of life sciences and chemical sciences within the “Otevřená věda” project
Oksana TsyklauriJaroslav Šterzl Award


Tomáš BrabecSpecial prize of the expert jury of “Česká hlava” (Czech Brains)
Pavel HozákThe Wilhelm Bernhard Medal


Oksana Tsyklauri,
Veronika Niederlová
Jaroslav Šterzl Award
Radislav SedláčekThe František Běhounek Prize
Teije Corneel MiddelkoopThe Lumina Quaeruntur Premium
Jiří BártekHonorary doctorate from Charles University for pioneering discoveries in the fields of cell biology and cancer research


Ondřej ŠtěpánekEFIS Eastern Star Award for his project on the molecular basis of T-cell memory
Veronika KrchlíkováJosef Hlávka Award for the best students and graduates of Prague public universities, Technical University Brno, and young talented researchers of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Kryštof Štafl Best Retrovirology Paper by a Young Scientist Award 2021 (Retrovirology)
Veronika HorkováJaroslav Šterzl Award (Czech Immunological Society)


Václav HořejšíThe National Prize of the Czech Government “Česká hlava” (Czech Brains)
Matouš Vobořil The Doctorandus Prize for natural sciences – Award of the VEOLIA company
Jiří BártekAnders Jahre’s medical award for outstanding research or results within medical sciences in the Nordic countries (University of Oslo)
Irena JeníčkováISTT Best Poster Award (International Society for Transgenic Technologies)


Václav HořejšíThe Prize of Society of Arts & Sciences
Iva ŠplíchalováMilan Pospíšil, Mario Campa and Franco Mosca Prize for an original article in the field of natural and antitumor immunity (Czech Immunological Society)
Jana BalounováMilan Pospíšil, Mario Campa and Franco Mosca Prize for an original article in the field of natural and antitumor immunity (Czech Immunological Society)


Václav HořejšíThe Jan Evangelista Purkyně Honorary Medal
Jiří ForejtThe Jan Evangelista Purkyně Honorary Medal
Jiří HejnarPraemium Academiae for extraordinary scientific benefit
Petr SvobodaEMBO membership


Ondřej BallekJaroslav Šterzl Award
Eliška SvobodováPoster Prize – 22nd Annual Meeting of the RNA Society
Sravya GaneshPoster Prize – EMBO/EMBL Symposium
Petr KašpárekNeuron Impulse under 33
Jiří ForejtMemorial Silver Medal of the Senate of the Czech Republic
Václav HořejšíThe Prize of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences for Promotion or Popularization of Research, Experimental Development and Innovations for 2017
Helena FarkašováAlbert Schweitzer Prize
Peter Dráber Otto Wichterle Award