FACSymphony (BD Biosciences) flow cytometer is equipped with six solid state lasers (355, 405, 447, 488, 561 and 637nm). It has 31 fluorescent detectors and two additional detectors for forward and right angle light scattering. Default optical configuration of the instrument enables the measurement of practically all frequently used fluorochromes and fluorescent proteins. Red sensitive GaAsP detectors are used for detection in all far red channels (over 700 nm). It features low noise VPX electronics. Instrument is equipped with High Throughput Sampler for high-throughput measurement of samples directly from 96- or 384-well plates.
Lasers | UV 355nm: Coherent Genesis 100 mW Violet 405nm: Coherent OBIS 200mW Blue-Violet 447nm: Coherent OBIS 75mW Blue 488nm: Coherent Sapphire 200 mW Yellow-Green 561nm: Coherent Sapphire 200mW Red 637nm: Coherent OBIS 160 mW |
Default filter configuration | 355nm laser: 379/28 (BUV395); 515/30 (BUV496); 580/20 (BUV563); 605/20 (BUV615); 670/25 (BUV661); 735/30 (BUV737); 810/40 (BUV805) 405nm laser: 450/50 (BV421, Hoechst, BFP); 525/50 (BV510); 586/15 (BV570); 605/40 (BV605); 677/20 (BV650); 710/50 (BV711); 750/30 (BV750); 810/40 (BV786) 447nm laser: 470/14 (CFP); 525/50 (AF430) 488nm laser: 530/30 (FITC, RB545, GFP); 610/20 (RB613); 670/30 (BB660); 710/50 (RB705, PerCP-Cy5.5); 750/30 (RB744); 810/40 (RB780) 561nm laser: 586/15 (PE, RY586, RFP); 610/20 (RY610, PE-CF594, PE/AF610); 670/30 (PE/Cy5); 710/50 (RY703, PE/Cy5.5); 780/60 (RY775, PE/Cy7) 637nm laser: 670/30 (APC); 730/45 (APC/R700, AF700); 780/60 (APC-Cy7) |
Software | BD FACSDiva |
Location | room no. 0.159 |
Phone | ext. 3150 |
Booking | Calpendo |
LSRII (BD Biosciences) flow cytometer is equipped with four solid state lasers (405, 488, 561 and 638nm) and 18 fluorescent detectors and two additional detectors for forward and right angle light scattering. Default optical configuration of the instrument enables the measurement of many frequently used fluorochromes and fluorescent proteins. Large set of dichroic mirrors and bandpass filters is available in the laboratory, making this instrument customizable and capable to cover many different flow cytometry applications. Instrument is equipped with High Throughput Sampler for high-throughput measurement of samples directly from 96- or 384-well plates.
Lasers | Violet 405nm: Coherent OBIS 100mW Blue 488nm: Coherent Sapphire 150 mW Yellow-Green 561nm: Coherent Sapphire 200 mW Red 638nm: Coherent OBIS 140 mW |
Default filter configuration | 405nm laser: 450/50 (BV421, Hoechst); 525/50 (BV510); 615/20 (BV605); 660/20 (BV650); 710/50 (BV711); 780/60 (BV786) 488nm laser: 530/30 (RB545, FITC, GFP); 615/20 (RB613); 710/40 (RB705),PerCP); 780/60 (RB780) 561nm laser: 586/15 (PE, RY586, RFP); 615/20 (RY610, PE/AF610); 675/20 (PE/Cy5); 712/21 (RY703, PE/Cy5.5); 785/60 (RY775, PE/Cy7) 637nm laser: 660/20 (APC); 730/45 (A700); 780/60 (APC-Cy7) |
Software | BD FACSDiva |
Location | room no. 0.159 |
Phone | ext. 3150 |
Booking | Calpendo |
Amnis® ImageStream®X Mk II (Cytek) is imaging flow cytometer. It is equipped with four lasers for fluorescence imaging (405, 488, 561 and 642 nm), dedicated side scatter (darkfield) laser (785 nm) and possibility of brightfield imaging. Instrument is equiped with two CCD cameras, each with six channels. Lasers 405 and 642 nm are collinear as well as lasers 488 and 561 nm. In total, you can image cells in 12 channels: two are dedicated for brightfield (one on each camera for colocalization purpose); ten channels can be used for fluorescence and side scatter imaging. Imaging cytometer has three objectives (20X, 40X 60X), autofocus, extended depth field functionality and autosampler for 96-well plates.
Lasers | Violet 405nm: 120 mW Blue 488nm: 400 mW Yellow-Green 561nm: 200 mW Red 642nm: 150 mW Far Red 785mn (only SSC): 70 mW |
Channels | 488+561nm lasers (+785nm SSC laser): 435-480nm (Brightfield), 480-560nm (RB545, FITC, GFP), 560-595nm (PE, RFP), 595-642nm (RB613, RY610, PI, mCherry), 642-745nm (RB705, PI, PerCP-Cy5.5, PE-Cy5.5), 745-780nm (RB780, RY775, PE-Cy7, SSC) 405+642nm lasers (+785nm SSC laser): 435-505nm (BV421, Hoechst), 505-570nm (BV510), 570-595nm (Brightfield, BV570), 595-642nm (BV605), 642-745nm (APC, BV711), 745-780nm (APC-Cy7, BV750, SSC) |
Pixel size | 1.0 x 1.0 µm (20X mag), 0.5 x 0.5 µm (40X mag), 0.3 x 0.3 µm (60X mag) |
Field of view | 120 x 256 µm (20X), 60 x 128 µm (40X), 40 x 170 µm (60X) |
Acquisition speed | 5,000 events per second (20X), 2000 ev/s (40X), 1200 ev/s (60X) |
Sample volume | 20 – 200 µl |
Software | INSPIRE™ |
Location | room no. 0.159 |
Phone | ext. 3150 |
Booking | Calpendo |
BC-30 Vet Auto Hematology Analyzer is used for analysing mammal animal blood samples, provides complete blood count, leukocyte differential and haemoglobin concentration measurement results. Instrument measurement is based on impedance of measured cells.
Parameters (mouse, rat; for parameters of other species refer the manual) | White Blood Cell count (WBC), Lymphocyte number (Lym#), Monocyte number (Mon#), Granulocyte number (Gran#), Lymphocyte percentage (Lym%), Monocyte percentage (Mon%), Granulocyte percentage (Gran%), Red Blood Cell count (RBC), Hemoglobin concentration (HGB), Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Red Blood Cell Distribution Width Coefficient of Variation (RDW-CV), Red Blood Cell Distribution Width Standard Deviation (RDW-SD), Hematocrit (HCT), Platelet count (PLT), Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), Platelet Distribution Width (PDW), Plateletcrit (PCT), Platelet Larger Cell Ratio (P-LCR), Platelet Larger Cell Count (P-LCC) |
Location | room no. 0.159 |
Phone | ext. 3150 |
Booking | Calpendo |
BD Influx (BD Biosciences) is the polychromatic high-speed jet-in-air sorter. It is equipped with five solid state lasers (355, 405, 488, 561 and 640nm). System is equipped with forward (FSC) and side (SSC) scatter detectors and 14 fluorescence detectors, thus it is capable to cover very broad range of fluorochromes and fluorescent proteins. Forward scatter channel has the “small particle option” for the measurement of the particles from 500 nm size.
Optical configuration of the detection path is customizable. System is equipped with automated deposition unit, for sorting into multiwell plates or to other devices. Instrument is capable of six way sorting. Aerosols from the sort chamber are cleared by aerosol evacuation system and whole sorter is enclosed in the class II. biological safety cabinet to maximize the sample protection as well as operator safety.
Lasers | UV 355nm: JDSU Xcyte 100mW Violet 405nm: Melles Griot 100mW Blue 488nm: Coherent Sapphire 500mW Yellow-Green 561nm: Cobolt Jive 150mW Red 638nm: Omicron LuxX 200 mW |
Default filter configuration | 355nm laser: 460/50 (DAPI, Hoechst-blue); 670/30 (Hoechst-red, PI, BUV661) 405nm laser: 460/50 (BV421, Pacific Blue, Hoechst, BFP); 550/50 (Cascade Yellow) 488nm laser: 530/30 (RB545, FITC, GFP); 670/30 (PerCP); 710/50 (RB705, PerCP/Cy5.5) 561nm laser: 585/29 (RY586, PE, RFP); 610/20 (RY610, PE/A610); 670/30 (PE/A647); 750LP (RY775, PE-Cy7) 638nm laser: 670/30 (APC); 720/40 (A700); 750LP (APC-Cy7) |
Software | BD FACS Sortware |
Location | room no. 0.157 |
Phone | ext. 3433 |
Booking | Calpendo |
FACSAria IIu (BD Biosciences) is the polychromatic high-speed cuvette-based cell sorter. It is equipped with five solid-state lasers (405, 445, 488, 561 and 637nm). System is equipped with forward (FSC) and side (SSC) scatter detectors and with 18 fluorescence detectors.
Optical configuration of the detection path is customizable. System is equipped with automated deposition unit, for sorting into multiwell plates. Instrument is capable of four way sorting.
Lasers | Violet 405nm: Coherent OBIS 100mW Blue-Violet 445nm: Coherent OBIS 75mW Blue 488nm: Coherent OBIS 150mW Yellow-Green: Coherent OBIS 150mW Red 633nm: Coherent OBIS 140mW |
Default filter configuration | 405nm laser: 450/50 (BV421, Hoechst, BFP); 525/50 (BV510); 610/20 (BV605); 670/30 (BV650); 780/60 (BV786) 445nm laser: 470/20 (CFP) 488nm laser: 530/30 (RB545, FITC,GFP); 610/20 (RB613); 710/50 (RB705, PerCP-Cy5.5); 780/60 (RB780) 561nm laser: 586/15 (RY586, PE, RFP); 610/20 (RY610, PE-CF594, PE/AF610); 670/30 (PE/Cy5); 710/50 (RY703, PE/Cy5.5); 780/60 (RY775, PE/Cy7) 637nm laser: 670/30 (APC); 730/45 (APC/R700, AF700); 780/60 (APC-Cy7) |
Software | BD FACSDiva |
Location | room no. 0.157 |
Phone | ext. 3433 |
Booking | Calpendo |
Automated cell separator AutoMACS Pro (Miltenyi Biotec) utilizes the technology of separation of the target cells, labeled with magnetic nanoparticles, in the strong magnetic field. AutoMACS Pro is capable of automated positive or negative separation of up to 6 cell suspensions in the volumes from 0.2 to 50 ml.
Location | room no. 0.169 |
Booking | Calpendo |
FlowJo is the analysis platform for single-cell flow cytometry analysis with open-ended plugin architecture. The FlowJo workspace is a powerful statistical environment that is used for immunophenotyping, cell cycle, proliferation, kinetics studies, quantitative population comparison, or plate screening assays and more.
Two computers with FlowJo are available in our facility. 30 licenses are distributed among IMG users.
FlowJo workstations:
Computer | MacPro1.1 |
CPU | Intel® Xeon® Processor 5150 (2.66 GHz, 4 threads) |
RAM | 4 GB |
FlowJo version | 7.6.5., 9.x |
Location | room no. 0.158 |
Computer | PC |
CPU | AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX (3 GHz, 64 threads) |
RAM | 128 GB |
FlowJo version | 10.x |
Location | room no. 0.158 |
Booking | Calpendo |