PhD Programme

Open PhD positions


In our research group, we investigate the regulation of haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) maintenance and fate by transcription factors and their target genes, determine whether these elements are altered in human leukaemias (in particular acute myeloid leukaemia, AML), and elucidate their contribution to leukaemogenesis…

Project: Transcriptional control of chronic inflammation in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Cancer Biology

The main function of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is to degrade unneeded or damaged proteins. Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs) mediate ubiquitination of numerous substrates. Our main research focus is to reveal novel substrates of CRLs involved in cancer progression, stress response or cell cycle…

Project: Proteasome control of apoptosis regulation in cancer

Genome Dynamics

The main research of our group is focused on ADP-ribosyl transferases; a class of DNA repair enzymes that detect DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) and signal their presence by catalysing the rapid synthesis of mono(ADP-ribose) and poly(ADP-ribose) and hydrolases; enzymes that catalyse the removal of specific ADP-ribosyl modifications from proteins…

Project: Deciphering the role of histone serine ADP-ribosylation in chromatin regulation and neurodegeneration

Cilia Genetics and Pathology

Our research focuses on elucidating the mechanisms and functions underlying how the cells employ their sensory antenna, the “primary cilium,” to sense and respond to extracellular signals within our body. We investigate both the intracellular responses as well as the responses involving the cellular behaviour in the context of the healthy and pathological conditions…

Project: Cilia function in cell signaling and differentiation

Cell and Developmental Biology

Tissues in the adult organism contain a population of tissue-specific stem cells that provide the cellular basis for homeostatic maintenance of adult tissues. Our goal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms influencing the fate of normal and transformed adult stem cells in the intestine and haematopoietic system…

Project: Impact of mesenchymal cells on the intestinal epithelium homeostasis, regeneration and tumorigenesis

Cancer Cell Biology

In our laboratory, we employ cell and molecular biology approaches, CRISPR-mediated gene editing and transgenic mouse models to investigate how cells respond to DNA damage. We also seek for genetic defects in cancer cells that could be exploited for personalized cancer treatment…

Project: New mechanisms regulating function of the tumor suppressor p53 in human cells

Tissue Morphogenesis and Cancer

In our laboratory we study processes and mechanisms, which govern epithelial morphogenesis and homeostasis, and how their deregulation can lead to developmental defects and cancer…

Project: Molecular regulation of lactation: investigating DNA replication, transcription, and damage repair
Project: Advancing breast morphogenesis modeling through novel human mammary organoids

Epigenetic Regulations

The group studies evolution of genes and their regulations, particularly post-transcriptional regulations and genes that mediate it, mainly in the context of the female germline in mice…

Project: Evolutionary adaptations of Dicer enzymes
Project: piRNa and genome defense in gastropods

Adaptive Immunity

We elucidate how T cells make the proper fate decisions to elicit a potent immune protection and maintain self-tolerance at the same time. Our current research projects focus on the mechanisms of T-cell signaling via antigenic and germ-line encoded receptors and functional characterization of particular T-cell subsets.

Project: T-cell kinases in immunity and self-tolerance