ZEISS on Your Campus – Most Sensitive, High Speed Life Cell Imaging with Superresolution

  • Date & Time: 3. 12. 2024 - 5. 12. 2024
  • Location: IMG, room 0.173

Join the ZEISS Workshop and learn about most modern microscopy techniques for multiplex imaging with smart analysis.

We will show you how to do Life Cell Imaging with highest sensitivity, highest resolution, highest speed, the best Signal-to-Noise ratio, how to do a real spectral scan and what does it mean Image Scanning Microscopy. We will show to you how to gently image dynamic processes in large fields of view in superresolution and with acquisition times shorter than ever before. We will show to you how to do concentration, diffusion and flow measurements directly inside your specimen.

No FLIM, no tau contrast etc., just the highest sensitivity, speed and resolution.

The workshop starts with an introductory lecture about laser scanning microscopy, the different detection possibilities including superresolution and multiplexing with parallelization. We will cover possibilities how to increase your productivity using smart microscopy too. And of course image analysis using AI, Machine Learning and Deep Machine learning will be described too.


More information – www.zeiss.cz.