European Chemical Biology Database finally got its home address

23. 4. 2018 Press Releases

CZ-OPENSCREEN plays in EU-OPESNCREEN ERIC significant and irreplaceable role. After the demanding evaluation process, the Institute of Molecular Genetics has been chosen as the future European Chemical Biology Database (ECBD) hosting partner site of EU-OPENSCREEN.

CZ-OPENSCREEN: National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology is a research infrastructure hosted by the Institute of Molecular Genetics, AS CR in Prague. CZ-OPENSCREEN operates the most advanced research infrastructure for basic and applied research in the fields of chemical biology and genetics and provides Open Access to its external users. CZ-OPENSCREEN represents the Czech Republic in the European Research Infrastructure Consortium EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC, whose first constituent assembly was held in Berlin on April 12, 2018.

CZ-OPENSCREEN plays in EU-OPESNCREEN ERIC significant and irreplaceable role. After the demanding evaluation process, the Institute of Molecular Genetics has been chosen as the future European Chemical Biology Database (ECBD) hosting partner site of EU-OPENSCREEN. This great news was announced during the assembly in Berlin mentioned above and the date of April 12, 2018 will always be highlighted in the calendar of this Czech national node.

In ECBD all the data generated by Partner sites of EU-OPENSCREEN consortium will be stored, such as high-throughput screening data or structures of chemical compounds. Data will be accessible to the scientific community upon the open access principles. Before the data go public, they will undergo necessary process of validation and inspection only then will be released to the scientific world. The first validation check will be done by the Partner sites generating the data, then the Prague ECBD team will continue with the detailed validation. User friendly interface will enable a simple search as well as more flexible queries, going beyond the capabilities of a simple search. An advanced search will be available and will enable users to precisely define searched data parameters. The database will also include data analysis tools to help both beginners and advanced users make full use of the data. Besides the common user support, the ECBD website will offer an interactive guide that will introduce the main ECBD user interface features and various data description and visualization options. To increase their accessibility, the fully curated public ECBD data will be subsequently transferred to ChEMBL database. It is important to point out that the CESNET the national e-infrastructure will take care of the hardware, backup strategy and security of ECBD. CESNET generally provides a wide range of data transfer, storage and data processing, it also manages large repository for storing and sharing data. The involvement of CESNET in ECBD project is an excellent example of cooperation of large research infrastructures at national level.  At the end, we can only wish to ECBD team a lot of quality data and wish to scientific community a lot of ideas how to make such data useful for the further research. Infrastructures, in particular, exist to help those scientists who cannot afford the sophisticated technologies and testing to create new data. Their task is to allow these things happen and move the knowledge about our world further, towards new drugs for example.

The infrastructure CZ-OPENSCREE is currently funded by project provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports: Large RDI infrastructures projects (2010-2017), identification code: LM2015063.



Šárka Šímová, Ph.D.,
tel.: 296 443 391, e-mail:,

Press release as PDF.